Saturday, January 13, 2018

Douglas Dietrich; Crank

Douglas Dietrich; Crank

| June 3, 2017 | 63 Comments

Douglas Dietrich Debunked: The "Burn Man"

Japan won WW2 he says. Talks bad about George Takei because of his self hatred of his own sexuality. He know admits he is a homosexual and for years denied it. Why he has no family, no shame why hide it for all these years. It can not be the community he lives since it is progressive and very inclusive. Dietrich should be investigated for crimes committed while a DOD Librarian. He seems to me to be the Lone Wolf type of personality who would do such a thing to try to destroy our country and attempt to ruin the reputation of great men who served.
Douglas Duane Dietrich did not complete USMC Recruit Training and was never a US Marine. He was a "contract PFC" and received an Entry Level Separation (ELS) in 3rd phase of training. Dietrich was NOT a "recycle" and is NOT a veteran and has never received a "Dishonorable Discharge". His claims of being tortured, incarcerated and then offered re-entry and promotion are false. His claims of attacking a Close Combat Instructor during recruit training and then serving in combat to kill armed Saudi guards with his bare hands and capture enemy forces are false. His military records were requested and obtained legally under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and can be viewed here In Addition, the records of his father George Dietrich were also requested and obtained. More investigating of Dietrichs many other false claims can be found here Dietrich never had access to the Presidio as a military dependant. His father retired from the US Navy in June 1965 over a year before Douglas was born. According to the Dept. of Defense Manpower Data Center, Dietrich was never a DoD employee. He did not murder his own grandfather at age 3 in 1969-70. His grandfather died in 1973 at age 83. Dietrich claims that "gang-stalkers" and "assassins" controlled by Aquino have forged documents obtained under the FOIA. He has committed identity theft by obtaining and publicly releasing the personal identifying information of veterans (SSNs, phones, addresses etc) in order to threaten and intimidate his detractors. Dietrich and Gary D States (a frequent guest since Jan 21 2017) VBA employee at Muskogee, OK are now under federal investigation for identity theft, harassment, and stolen valor. Another frequent guest of Dietrich, Dan Arola, "Taboo Bros" is continuing to post clips from Dietrichs' shows in attempt at intimidation and "Mystik Warrior" has edited uploads removing personal info aired by Dietrich from June 27 - Aug 1 2017. All because veterans investigated Dietrichs' claims and found them to be false. Dietrich continues to ask for donations toward his dental health (850.00) while doing two 2 hour radio shows a week and after claiming a mysterious "benefactress" and others have already donated the requested sum. Dietrich hates America. white people and veterans. His entire personae is lie.
None of these documents are even legible, with the exception of the google document, which does not even name Dietrich. Can you provide any evidence which can be substantiated? Thank you and Semper Fi.
Hi Shelley: The documents posted here were obtained under the FOIA from the National Personnel Records Center: Previously, you could click on the documents to enlarge and they would open in a new window. Try saving the document(s) as a jpeg photo and opening them with a picture program to view/enlarge. The documents themselves are evidence which confirm Dietrich was never a US Marine and that he was never a military dependent. If you doubt the documents are credible, you can submit a FOIA request to the NPRC yourself. The Google document (VA letter) is notification to me that my complaint was reviewed and the VA Office of Inspector General has opened a case (investigation). The subjects detailed in my complaint are not listed due to privacy laws and because the analyst who sent the letter via secure signature e-mail did not have intimate knowledge of the details of my complaint. However, it does state VBA Muskogee, OK as being the source of concern. Gary States is a Claims Examiner at Muskogee VBA. States obtained my personal info (SSN, address, phone etc) and gave it to Dietrich. If you want a copy of the VAOIG complaint I can e-mail it to you.