Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Facebook pm I told Gunner 65 + Extras

Quote " Stephen:  I have published your response to and to my blog: Please let me know if you approve or have any further comment.

Thousands of people will view your story before Dietrich attacks you!

Thanks, Richard."

I was never on the attack of Michelle Carmela Saldena, rather the defense to warn her of Mr. Tweaktwitch.  She did nothing wrong to me, was kind, I respect her and can totally see how she was vulnerable looking for support through Doug's platform.   I have sympathy for most  high publicity SRA survivors  even sometimes when they sometimes get caught in a lie out of desperation if they're obviously not conceited nor arrogant toward fellow child abuse survivors.  I'm neither refuting nor disputing any of her survivor stories nor insisting her survivor stories were 100% true.


Hubris Tweaktwitch:  His reputation is abolute shit for being such a complete hotwinded pathological  liar that I'm thoroughly unafraid of him and I suspect a lot of people who whine about him are his own troll sockpuppets.    I'm in no position to have really much of anything to lose from my own little troll jabs at him whereas the extreme volume of persistant claims absolute conviction on history revision and world events that no individual could possibly be gifted to know is the sign of a complete Icarus waxed winged dumb motherfucker or overinflated hot air balloon epically crashing.  There's this old video of "diaper boy" on youtube.  And it I'm sure Hubris Tweaktwitch has a similar equally ridiculous humiliating fetish experience with dominitrax old granny whores on a routine regular basis.

I just want to clarify when I say "extreme volume of persistent  absolute conviction is the sign Icaris wax winged" confused soul I don't mean a truth teller.  I mean.    [Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect. ] someone who is off the charts in false pride and is banking on non-stop lying.

Hubris Tweaktwitch  is broken record of hot air and about as significant as an elephant fart in the wind in remote nowhere Africa:       Loud, proud, & stinky for those stupid enough to stand downwind from it. 

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