i LOVE THIS video because when Douglas Dietrich starts firing off names of American Citizens of Asian heritage (often full blooded Japanese or Chinese heritage) in contempt as "Jap LapDog HOUSE NIGGERS?" WTF? LOL. iT totally Illustrates what I suspected all along and I know all too well as someone some mixed ethnicity and disharmony of identity of my own: there's no cohesive acceptance into an extended an extended family nor pride of either heritage from others. That pride has to be internal fostered. And its sad to hear him fall down the path of becoming a type of racist he claims he's against in self Loathing. The FBI under Trump is arresting and annihilating more pedophile rings that desperately needed to happen. And that's Something the Obama and Clinton & Bush gangster syndicate never did and always allowed to fester. Doug should know that as true.
Douglas Dietrich should have stuck with alternative history. Instead, he literally has bought into the Democrats party line as the Truth About Reality. Dietrich is the exact opposite now of what he presented himself originally: an independent mind. The Democrats and Republicans are the Janus faces of the Satanic empire known as the United States and Dietrich has totally abandoned that because he made the unfortunate mistake of believing one side of the Janus face. It is totally laughable.