Doug blocked me from his facebook page. I don't really care, but he's a fucking liar to say I blocked him.
22 hours ago
8:00 I am the notorious TROLL! I did not make it impossible to comment of Doug's facebook page. That is a complete lie. Doug also writes: "you are Exploiting MY [facebook] TimeLine to Promote your own sorry FB TimeLine.". DEAR DOUG and all concerned: No Doug, I went to your facebook page because I agree with a lot of what you say and I want to be remembered as someone that helps solve the problem of human slavery, especially child abuse, but in the grand scheme of all the evil that is committed in the world, I don't see women as the innocent angels as much as you see them as. Just because men consistently commit violence doesn't mean more women want violence to end more than men. Feminists matriarchist misandronists want men to be their vicarious pitbulls on a leash to do all the biting for them. I mean think about the grand scheme of dirty cockblocking cruel competition in history/herstory or whatever TF.? Women are competitive and have blood lust. The allegory of Cinderella and her wicked step sisters speaks volumes.
Lissette Padilla
Andrea Cardosa
22 hours ago
8:00 I am the notorious TROLL! I did not make it impossible to comment of Doug's facebook page. That is a complete lie. Doug also writes: "you are Exploiting MY [facebook] TimeLine to Promote your own sorry FB TimeLine.". DEAR DOUG and all concerned: No Doug, I went to your facebook page because I agree with a lot of what you say and I want to be remembered as someone that helps solve the problem of human slavery, especially child abuse, but in the grand scheme of all the evil that is committed in the world, I don't see women as the innocent angels as much as you see them as. Just because men consistently commit violence doesn't mean more women want violence to end more than men. Feminists matriarchist misandronists want men to be their vicarious pitbulls on a leash to do all the biting for them. I mean think about the grand scheme of dirty cockblocking cruel competition in history/herstory or whatever TF.? Women are competitive and have blood lust. The allegory of Cinderella and her wicked step sisters speaks volumes.
Lissette Padilla
Andrea Cardosa
I Note that your own FaceBook TimeLine boasts all of Nineteen (19 = Less Than a Score [Double Entendre]) Posts from September of 2008, Mr Arthur. That means that The Three (3) Posts you plastered on my Private TimeLine within a Two-Hour (2 Hrs') Span comprises the most Posts you have ever Posted within the shortest amount of time in your pathetic experience with Social Media -- an amount of Posts, as a matter-of-fact, equal to One-Sixth (1/6th [16%]) of all the Posts on your own wretched TimeLine altogether.
Which renders it all-too-obvious that you are Exploiting MY TimeLine to Promote your own sorry FB TimeLine.
And sorry thy TimeLine is indeed, with Booby-Prizes like this Post of yours that I "Cut & Paste" Verbatim from January 13th of what ... Last year?:
"DISCLAIMER: I AM CATEGORICALLY NOT ON FACEBOOK TO COLLECT FACEBOOK 'FRIENDS.' I only facebook 'friend' people who represent updates on important community information offered publicly, (not clique mongering or hoarding). If you wish to be my 'friend,' I need to know we have a good reason why we can be 'friends' I.R.L. (In real life face to face in person). I live in Lane County Oregon. Please start that by visiting SPIRALCOSMOSART.DEVIANTART.COM and that hints at the JOY AND ECSTACY OF MY ARTWORK AS THE SEXY STUD artist that I AM, [A HETEROSEXUAL MONOGAMOUS MAN], worthy of a loyal faithful sexy wife (a heterosexual monogamous single woman) to receive complete Sexy Stud fulfillment. Start that by corresponding with via or perhaps a better free email site that offers a little better privacy and TALK REAL LIFE BUSINESS?"
Douglas Dietrich writes Yeah -- "Monkey Business," "Studly" -- of that I have no doubt. [<--Is that a hint of heterophobia or what?]
quoting Douglas Dietrich from his Facebook Page (since I've been blocked on his F.B. page now): "Note that I Unequivocally Denoted The Average American Male as a Monster -- NOT Males who Constitute The Overwhelming Majority of Humanity -- the ONLY Males of ANY Culture Rivaling Americans In Pathological Misogyny being those [a bunch of Muslim Arabs from the Arabian peninsula] Which is precisely as to why -- if we desire any Resolution to The Problem of The American Male (as an Indisputable Enemy of Humanity [when considered as an Aggregate]) -- American Woman Must be Mobilized In a Military Manner: This Being (unarguably) A State Of War (see all of my Recent Posts Below on either my Public or Private FaceBook TimeLine[s])."
22 hours ago (edited)
DEAR DOUG and all concerned: Doug also writes: "you are Exploiting MY [facebook] TimeLine to Promote your own sorry FB TimeLine.". No Doug, I went to your facebook page because I agree with a lot of what you say and I want to be remembered as someone that helps solve the problem of human slavery, especially child abuse, but in the grand scheme of all the evil that is committed in the world, I don't see women as the innocent angels as much as you see them as. Just because men consistently commit violence doesn't mean more women want violence to end more than men. Feminists matriarchist misandronists want men to be their vicarious pitbulls on a leash to do all the biting for them. I mean think about the grand scheme of dirty cockblocking cruel competition in history/herstory or whatever TF.? Women are competitive and have blood lust. The allegory of Cinderella and her wicked step sisters speaks volumes.
22 hours ago (edited)
I see this old controverial sketch " the little coochie snorcher that could
" Vagina Monologues Little Coochie Snorcher that could performed by Katelyn Howard Gomez 2013 scripted entirely by Eve Ensler as a classic good cop/ bad cop routine in homosexual coercion, but so called "feminists" who really don't give a fuck about women's empowerment as individuals beyond a conviction that all men are the enemy and all men are rapists need Eve Ensler's vagina to speak for their own:
5 days ago
Female Marine says worse sexual harassment was from lesbians not men: Response to Semper Sarah interview in regards to Male Marines/Sexual Harassment
5 days ago
2:36:00 re: "the male monsters that dominate society" This is all very great exposure about dark realities, but it seems that Doug ends this rant with a self loathing for his own penis and his own testicles, casting his lot with the same feminist drum of lesbian feminists like Andrea Dworkin, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, and Eve Ensler, convinced the world's problem is all about patriarchy, centered entirely on men dominating women, and somehow the solution to the problem is centered entirely on turning those tables in the other direction, as though the violence that men commit against women has nothing to do with violent mother's against their own sons and daughters? As though no "male monster" has experienced violence or pedophilia from older girls? older sisters? and female gradeschool teachers during childhood?
5 days ago (edited)
2:00:00 So Doug would have a sudden emergency draft of 16 year girls into learning to be cops / national gaurds to empower them as though butch Lesbian abusive chickenhawk predators don't exist? Case and point, this video: A call to my childhood rapist teacher